Tps Ii Going Insane! Help! Broken Bronco II.....?

Going insane! help! broken bronco II.....? - tps ii

I have a 1988 Bronco II with the 2.9-liter V6 and 5-speed manual transmission. alnost I replaced everything in that car. Since the IAC, TPS, plugs, son, cap, rotor, distributor, coil, fuel filter, a couple of relays, PCM and I can not remember anything. well, heres the problem .... as it accelerates from a stop and go through the gears to work with each shift and when not sitting or standing idle, it runs OK for maybe 30 seconds to a minute. then cut. Look for Gas and disadvantages will be productive, but will stay on atleast minutes for other ... Can be Someone told me that my cat clogged or bad O2 sensor ... What do you think?


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