Federal Seizure Seizure Of Evidence In Federal Case Pending?

Seizure of evidence in Federal Case Pending? - federal seizure

I lodged a complaint in federal court against a judge. In the meantime, some of which have been proven in the team, has been changed. If the courts have not yet been agreed to meet the demand, but to alter the examination of the evidence may still be on the disk, how can I prevent a plant for the destruction of evidence?


arron p said...

The destruction really hard evidence in a computer. If a change of any kind of device is based on evidence (videos, photos, Word documents, internet history), a medical examiner can find these changes. The person concerned would have to destroy your computer.

arron p said...

The destruction really hard evidence in a computer. If a change of any kind of device is based on evidence (videos, photos, Word documents, internet history), a medical examiner can find these changes. The person concerned would have to destroy your computer.

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